Portfolio Tag

artistic practice

Lena Trost

Country Germany Program Time&Space Website http://www.lenatrost.com/ Flickr www.flickr.com Year 2018 Certain themes reoccur through Lena Trost’s artistic practice; the invisible, the intangible and the immaterial. Glass is a suitable material to manifest the dematerialized. With its quality of transparency, it ...

Hanna Kanto

Country Finland/Sweden Funding organization Norrbottens läns landsting Finnish Cultural Foundation Website http://www.hannakanto.com/ Year 2018 / April Hanna Kanto was born in Northern Finland and have worked as a visual artist in the Nordic region since 2008. Living ...

Panu Johansson: DUAL PURPOSE

  Text written by Gauthier Lesturgie With an artist Panu Johansson The term ‘’experimental’’ is ambivalent and often paradoxical when it qualifies an artistic practice. It commonly designates works which reflect the cultural and ...

Katariina Angeria

Country Finnland Funding organization The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) Website Jokinainen - kunnianosoitus suurelle väylälle ja sen asukkaille Year 2015 Performing artist Katariina Angeria (Master in critical media education) is a dancer, producer and organizer of cultural ...

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