#Photolog – Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity

We finished our residency with Natalia Jerzak with a final panel discussion Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity on the last day of May. To the panel we have invited Coost – activist at Czentrifuga, Konrad – a supporter and staff member of a self-organized coffee place for homeless in Berlin Unter Druck – Kultur von der Straße e.V. and Benjamin Siepmann – social worker and a project manager of Rambler Street Fashion Label with designs by homeless youngsters.

During the discussion and conversation with the public, we searched together for an answer to the questions on the topic of Inclusion, skills exchange and creativity. Based on the practice of the participants we mentioned the examples of how important is a skill set transfers and development of creativity. Panelists followed up with sharing stories of how empowering it is in the times of existential insecurity, how it leads to taking responsibility and building up a new perception on life.

We would like to thank to Culture Zone Wrocław (Strefa Kultury Wrocław) and AIR Wro for supporting the residency of Natalia Jerzak, and to iac Berlin for hosting the event on skills exchange and creativity. The images that you see below were captured by a photographer Piotr Pietrus.

Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity, Natalia Jerzak, Miser Art, Screen Printing, Czentrifuga, Benjamin Siepmann, Rambler, street fashion label. Residency Program in Berlin - Final Event. Photographer: Piotr Pietrus
Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity
Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity, Natalia Jerzak, Miser Art, Screen Printing, Czentrifuga, Benjamin Siepmann, Rambler, street fashion label. Residency Program in Berlin - Final Event. Photographer: Piotr Pietrus
Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity
Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity, Natalia Jerzak, Miser Art, Screen Printing, Czentrifuga, Benjamin Siepmann, Rambler, street fashion label. Residency Program in Berlin - Final Event. Photographer: Piotr Pietrus
Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity
Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity, Natalia Jerzak, Miser Art, Screen Printing, Czentrifuga, Benjamin Siepmann, Rambler, street fashion label. Residency Program in Berlin - Final Event. Photographer: Piotr Pietrus
Inclusion, Skills Exchange and Creativity

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