Taishi Kamiya


Funding organisation
Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID)



Artist Taishi Kamiya during his residency in Berlin concentrates on cross-sectoral research between art and business focusing on the topic of the effectiveness of art in business innovation.

Following the idea of John Maedas’ “Design is a solution to a problem. Art is a question to a problem.” his research focuses on looking at experimental forms connecting art, design, and business cooperations. One of the outcomes of his stay in Berlin will be a study documenting selected stories and solutions which is planned to be a valid part of his final project at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID).

With the support of Berlin Sessions Kamiya conducts his research through a series of programmed interviews. This mapping process is an essential part of the study and aims to localize relevant actors of the German capital. By immersing himself in the landscape of cultural, co-working and entrepreneurial spaces he will find conversation partners such as artists and makers, receiving a broad first-hand view on the topic.

Taishi Kamiya as an artist is active in the sound art field and as a maker of sounding devices. Born in Sapporo, Japan he seeks to explore the moments when audible sounds turn into music. Making full use of Soprano saxophone and laptop computer, he performs by processing the derived sounds in real time. He has released a solo album from the label Home Normal (UK), and Nomadic Kids Republic (JP), etc..
In his sound installations, he is interested in the subtle tone changes, depending on situations and circumstances, such as in a temple or during a snowfall.

Transmission and Reflection
Sound Installation by Taishi KAMIYA

Transmission and Reflection
Taishi KAMIYA and Yow FUNAHASHI Exhibition at FALL
2015.7.15 – 7.19

Videography by Mika KITAMURA
Edited by ViDeOM

Sound Installation by Taishi KAMIYA
solo exhibition “Moire in Relation” at waitingroom, Tokyo

Moire in Relation | 関係性のモアレ
2013.11.30 – 2014.1.12
Materials: Canvas, Magnets, Clocks, etc.

Videography by Taishi KAMIYA
Edited by ViDeOM


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