Panu Johansson

Lapland based artist Panu Johansson is selected to participate in Berlin Sessions Residency Program thanks to cooperation with TAIKE-Arts Promotion Center Finland.

Berlin Sessions Residency successful partnership with Taike (Arts Promotion Center of Finland) facilitates the artistic exchange between Lapland and the Berlin cultural landscape by giving every year a selected artist the opportunity to spend a limited period of time in Berlin to boost their artistic careers, widen the network and give an experience of cultural metropolis.

panu johansson
Out of Order (2011) 1 channel film & 3 channel installation Super-8 transferred to HD-video


Born in 1980, Panu Johansson is a contemporary artist and experimental filmmaker from Finland. The medias he works with are moving image, photography and sound. During his career, Panu has taken part in group shows and was invited to various festivals. His solo exhibitions trace back to 2005.

Important influences and reoccurring themes in his work are the history of avant-garde/experimental film and research on cultural history in general. When working with moving image, he prefers annotations with super 8 and 16mm film materials and the use of “found footage”. All of his movies and video works are scored with his own music and compositions.

panu johansson
Out of Order (2011) 1 channel film & 3 channel installation Super-8 transferred to HD-video

To see his work click here


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