Julia Gryboś and Barbora Zentková

Julia Gryboś (PL) and Barbora Zentková (SK) are an artistic duo, based in Brno (CZ), working together since 2010. They made themselves known to wider audiences mainly in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia, where they were awarded the Oskár Čepan Award for young artists in 2016.

Besides solo shows in independent galleries and artist-run spaces, within the last couple of years they are showing work in more thematic group shows too. Among these are the 6th edition of international public art festival Brno Art Open (2017), Dočasné struktury 1 in PLATO Gallery in Ostrava (2018), Every Other Thing in Krokus Gallery in Bratislava (2018), Obraz wewnętrzny. Pojawiające się / Znikające obrazy v Arsenal Gallery in Bialystok and Diagnosis of the Curved Spine in Budapest (2019).

1.A Few Litters of Dried Rituals, sound performance in former Sun and River Spa, Luhačovice, CZ, 2019_Julia Gryboś








A Few Litters of Dried Rituals
Sound performance in former Sun and River Spa
Luhačovice, CZ, 2019

Their shared interest gradually evolved from the medium of painting to concentrated work with a specific space. Since the beginning of their collaboration the guiding principle was the interest in the limits of images, in the possibilities of depiction and extension of visual codes beyond the scope of the image itself: in the area of context.

3.Diagnosis of the Curved Spine, Horizont Gallery, Budapest,H 2019_Julia Gryboś







Diagnosis of the Curved Spine
Horizont Gallery
Budapest, H, 2019

4. Diagnosis of the Curved Spine, Horizont Gallery, Budapest,H 2019_Julia Gryboś.

Today their interest is going towards creating site–specific complex environments, with a strong focus on the viewer’s position in them, all this with an emphasis on the character of the given space. The unifying element of their commissions is a certain moment of collapse, decay, destruction that affects the various socio-economic aspects of our society.

5.A Dose of a Shared After–Taste, Sound installation, Nová Cvernovka, Bratislava, SK, 2017_Julia Gryboś





A Dose of a Shared After–Taste
Sound installation
Nová Cvernovka, Bratislava, SK, 2017


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