Erik Thörnqvist


Funding organization




Erik Thörnqvist (born 1994, Umeå, Sweden) lives between Stockholm and Luleå. He works with different fictional, historic, collective and personal references to explore affective conditions, labour and how queer bodies define space.









Sampo, 2019
4K-video, stereo sound, 15′
Steel, scaffolding, jesemonite, birch wood, bronze powder.
Photo: Jean-Baptiste Berangér


His work has been included in various exhibitions including Island Life mediated by Susan Philpsz, Hyper-terrestrial curated by Essi Vesala, Stockholm, Eco Trash curated by Giulia Casalini, London, KOMASK Master Salon, Antwerpen, OPEN OUT Tromsö Norway, Ingen Äger Tiden, group show at Örebro Läns Museum curated by Daniel Urey, Loungen at Konstnärshuset Stockholm and Epicentrum of Everything at Galleri Syster.










Tactual Interest, 2018
HD-video, stereo sound, 10’08”
Metal, pilates ball, polyester & acrylic paint.

During Berlin Sessions Residency Erik, among other things, plans to visit several places and people as a research for a project concerning queer cruising spaces, a collaboration with Tove Möller and Afrang Nordlöf Malekian. The artist looks at the queer crusing room as a tool to understand power hierarchies, gaze and space.









Fray Sation, 2018
Metal, jesemonite, plaster, polyester, tyvek, cotton, PVC & acrylic
Photo: Andreas Tang






Parts of the body of work Sampo in the group show Hyper-terrestrial
4K-video, transparent acrylic, polyester, jesemonite, plasma cut metal, acrylics, cord, porcelain and corn fibre
Photo: Jari Kallio. Curated & organized by Essi Vesala







Parts of the body of work Sampo in the group show Hyper-terrestrial
4K-video, transparent acrylic, polyester, jesemonite, plasma cut metal, acrylics, cord, porcelain and corn fibre
Photo: Jari Kallio. Curated & organized by Essi Vesala






Parts of the body of work Sampo in the group show Hyper-terrestrial
4K-video, transparent acrylic, polyester, jesemonite, plasma cut metal, acrylics, cord, porcelain and corn fibre
Photo: Jari Kallio. Curated & organized by Essi Vesala










Ötzi Zwei, 2018
Plaster, shellack, ink
Part of the group show Uttran





Ach sonne, was soll ich Sünder machen, 2019
Mink fur, muskrat fur, polyester, jesemonite, metal & acrylics
Part of the group show Uttran II



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