Ida Isak


Funding organization
Resurscentrum för Konst i Norrbotten



In September, artist Ida Isaks will travel to Berlin as an artist-in-residence, thanks to the collaboration between Resurscentrum för Konst Norrbotten and Berlin Sessions. During the residency, Ida will focus on developing projects in the textile art with a queer and northern perspective.


Artist Ida Isak
Ett stort nej till all annan skit (2017) Photo Anders Westerlund
Artist Ida Isak
Paradiset på jorden (2017-2018)
Artist Ida Isak
Eri mailma (2016)


Artist Ida Isak
Eri mailma (2016)

You are going to Berlin in September, what are you planning to work on during this time?
I am looking forward to meeting artists who, like me, work in the textile field and / or with the queer perspective, which I consider to be a very important topic in my creative process. At the same time, I will bring my equipment and work with different fabrics and embroidery techniques to develop my textile pieces.

Why is it important for you as an artist to travel and visit residency programs?
To me, it is important to constantly move beyond contexts, broaden my vision and thereby my works. Thanks to visiting a residency program I break my habits and insert something new into my creative process. If you do not experience new things, you can not create new ones.

What do you look forward to during your stay?
During the summer and autumn, I will move out from Stockholm and settle back in Norrbotten, my home region. Berlin will be a focal point between the life I had and the life I will begin. It feels like a well-needed springboard to develop myself as an independent craftsman and artist.



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