Štěpánka Sigmundová
Czech Republic
Funding organization
AIR Futura
Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds
The main focus of my artistic work are two closely-linked long-term projects portraying the overall effort to collect and preserve memories.
This effort arose after the floods in June 2009 in the house in which I was born. One of the few things saved from the ground floor were photographs of my great-uncles serving in the RAF during World War II. After washing and drying muddy photographs and diaries – the vast majority of other subjects ending up in waste containers – it became clear to me that photography is the only trustworthy medium. I began to obsessively photograph everything around me to preserve and maintain the memories. Over time, the auto-therapeutic effect faded, but the interest and fascination with the medium itself prevailed.
“To collect photography is to collect the world.”/ “Photographed images do not seem to be statements about the world so much as pieces of it, miniatures of reality that anyone can make or acquire.”/ Susan Sontag, On Photograph