Mateusz Peringer


Funding organization
Cultural Zone Wrocław (Strefa Kultury Wrocław) in the framework of AIR Wro

Zakwas Studio


Objects – a talk with Mateusz Peringer and Elizaveta Barsegova

Mateusz Peringer is a graduate of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wrocław, majoring in Ceramics Art and Design. In 2016 he took part in the Görlitzer ART project, which resulted in his involvement in the international exhibition “Zukunfts Visionen 2016” in Görlitz.  As a designer, he actively cooperates with the KERA Ceramika factory. In 2018, together with Dominika Kulczyńska, he founded the Social Cooperative “Zakwas” specializing in ceramic and textile projects and the development of the idea of a closed circuit.

Mateusz Peringer is a socially engaged designer and funder of a social cooperative.









It’s a term rooted in the civilization development, recently with completely new emotional
meaning. In order to get close to this issue I talked to the people calling themselves
emigrants. To enclose the emigration in an object, I turned to the intimate part of each
interlocutor’s life and reached the material and immaterial elements of their backgrounds.
When leaving their home, each person takes (consciously or not) a talisman – a testimony
of their journey. When put on pedestals, those talismans, seemingly some random objects,
gain their true meaning – they are the materialized essence of the emigration.

During his stay in Berlin, Mateusz Peringer, Wrocław-based ceramic designer and co-founder of the social cooperative “Zakwas”, will focus on observing and researching the operation of German social cooperatives. Peringer is mainly interested in the strategies and functions of cooperatives in the creative and design sector, but he is also familiar with activities related to socially engaged design (e.g. those aimed at immigrants or those related to the revitalization of selected areas of the city).









Potable Water is a response to a deteriorating condition of the water reservoirs and also
an emphasis on the value of life-giving H2O. A porcelain carafe, a pair of glasses with
saucers and a bidon are made of recycled materials. The project encourages reflection on
respecting the environment in which we live, putting water in the center and surrounding it
with celebration.

Mateusz Peringer is a socially engaged designer and funder of a social cooperative.

Mateusz also wants to learn about technological solutions supporting sustainable development and a closed-circuit economy that has already been applied in Berlin and is still considered innovative on the Wrocław market.

Mateusz Peringer is a socially engaged designer and funder of a social cooperative.









It’s a term rooted in the civilization development, recently with completely new emotional
meaning. In order to get close to this issue I talked to the people calling themselves
emigrants. To enclose the emigration in an object, I turned to the intimate part of each
interlocutor’s life and reached the material and immaterial elements of their backgrounds.
When leaving their home, each person takes (consciously or not) a talisman – a testimony
of their journey. When put on pedestals, those talismans, seemingly some random objects,
gain their true meaning – they are the materialized essence of the emigration.

Among the spaces that Peringer wants to visit during his stay in Berlin are KAOS – a co-working space bringing together independent designers, artists and activists or CUCULA – Refugees Company for Crafts and Design inspired by Enzo Mari designs.









To resurrect the buried vessels, I raise them from the ashes, mud and dust. I give them the
destiny they’ve never achieved. The feast on the ruins of the fallen porcelain factory will
be the the final breath for both the fractured remains and the factory’s rich history.

Mateusz Peringer is a socially engaged designer and funder of a social cooperative.


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